about us
beebe ministries
about us
beebe ministries
Brad and Amy were both raised in Christian homes and have served the Lord since their youth. They both graduated from Rhema Bible Training College and Domata School of Missions in Tulsa Oklahoma where they met. They married in 1999 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
They have been involved in world missions since the 1990's ministering in countries including Albania, Ireland, India, Venezuela, Nepal, the Netherlands, and the Philippines.
In July 2012 they sold their home, in pursuit of Gods call to move to Ireland as full time missionaries, and began to travel across the United States sharing God's vision for reaching Ireland with the gospel.
On June 4th 2013 with their children, they left everything behind in the United States to pursue God's call and vision and moved to Limerick, Ireland to work on staff at World Outreach Christian Centre. There they have served as Associate Pastors as well as the Youth and Children’s Pastors for 4 years.
A few of their favorite ministry endeavors have been organizing a city wide outreach in Limerick where over 2,000 gave their lives to Jesus. Organizing and operating a large Kids Camp Outreach each summer. They also organized a regional youth event called Be Brave, encouraging youth in Western Ireland to be brave in sharing their faith in Christ.
They are currently living near Dublin where they have launched Triumph Church to reach Ireland with the gospel and raise up Christian leaders.
Reaching Ireland
Reaching Ireland
In 2020 as the year had just begun, we began to hold Interest nights to build a launch team of a new church when suddenly Ireland, and the rest of the world, went into unprecedented lockdown. We’re all familiar with that story. We were forced to put everything on pause. After a time of seeking the Lord when things reopened we felt led to resume what the Lord had put on our hearts.
God has led us to launch Triumph Church just outside of Dublin. Our focus is preaching the Word of God, following the Holy Spirit and reaching Ireland and the world with the Gospel. We are honored and excited to have such a miraculous opportunity ahead of us in our ministry in reaching the great harvest in Ireland.
What the Lord has placed upon our hearts is a massive thing. Our call is to disciple and raise up leaders in this nation like “Joshua and Caleb” that have the faith to take this land!
We are called to help build His kingdom in this great nation by raising up a group of Christians who with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in their hearts retake their nation for Christ!
Why Ireland?
Why Ireland?
Ireland was once a nation known for preserving Christianity in the dark ages. Today, many are suprised to hear that currently less than 2% are Evangelical according to the last Irish census. That is less per capita than Africa 51%, China 8%, and India over 3%. An astounding 16-18% now claim to be atheist. Ireland suprisingly to many is one of the most unreached nations in the world! This is what drives us to push on with our endeavor to reach Ireland with the gospel.